Drag-n-drop AI tools

Build AI features overnight
for your Apps, SaaS, Business or Marketing

Combine AI models — audio, video, text, image — through our drag-and-drop flow builder to create unique AI features! Easily compare and select the most effective AI models for your needs. Accelerate deployment with our unified API, drastically cutting time to market by up to 90%.

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Scade.pro - AI based platform, over 1500 AI tools, no coding | Product Hunt
Scade.pro - AI based platform, over 1500 AI tools, no coding | Product Hunt
Scade.pro - AI based platform, over 1500 AI tools, no coding | Product Hunt
Unlock the full potential with 1,500+ AI Models

Use the best AI models. All in one place. Start automating in seconds.

Single Invoice, simple access, and rapid testing across models. Optimize staff and reduce costs.


No need for numerous tools and integration struggles. Simply organize task sequences and AI processing with cascades.

Fast-tracked to production

The cascade's AI-to-AI data transfer saves team time and resources, getting you production-ready faster.

Edit without reintegration

Control and optimize your set-up solutions easily. No reintegration needed— modify and upgrade it, boosting efficiency and saving costs.

Simpler than EVER

Access all you need for AI projects: minimize costs and IT resource requirements effortlessly.

Your Go-To method for integrating diverse AI solutions

Choose your way of using our platform — from simple No-Code and flexible Low-Code to hiring experts for custom projects.

No-code Builder

Instant start. Endless improvement.
Merge AI models—text, image, audio—for swift launch and agile evolution.

Low-code Options

Tailor AI to fit your niche with low-code ease.
Plug into third-party APIs, stretch the limits of AI, and make your business vision a reality.

Hire an Expert

Our Hire an Expert service provides personalized AI integration. Customised models for your tasks, no off-the-shelf compromises.
Hire an Expert

Custom AI Integration and Development by Certified Experts

Looking for turnkey AI integration for your project? Our certified platform experts are here to provide custom solutions. From automating your support to enhancing ad campaigns with generative AI, they bring your vision to life.

First-line support automation

AI-powered advertising for agencies

Knowledge base optimization

Automated AI responses to marketplace reviews

...and more

Request a presentation to see how our experts have transformed businesses using our platform.
Get the presentation

Learn with expert guides and webinars

Need Eye-Catching Promo Cards?

Learn to Turn a Single Photo into Multiple Designs with Our Workflow Tutorial!

Tired of Mediocre Content?

Build Your AI Editorial Team with Our Step-by-Step Tutorial!

Life is too short for watching long videos?

Let's build a workflow to transcribe and summarize any Youtube video.

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